Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fordcast - May I Have an N Please


There are people in this world who have no children... and then there is me! I sometimes dream back to the days when the month of May was just that, one month in a series of twelve that make up a year! When you have a child in school the month of May becomes much more than just A month it becomes THE MONTH... add to that three MORE children and this is what you get...

4 Dr. Appointments
8 Performances
7 Programs/Award Ceremonies
9 Rehearsals
4 Field Trips
4 Parties
3 Meetings
1 Field Day
2 sets of Final Exams
1 5K for a charity close to our hearts
1 Golf tournament (for marching band)
4 Birthdays/Birthday Parties
4 Baseball Games for Randy
3 Picnics
and of course, Mother's Day

and that is just from April 25th to May 25th!!!!

Now, before anyone starts to say "you are the one that had so many hatchings" or "don't complain, it's your own fault"... Yes, I wanted multiple children. Yes, I chose to have a fourth. I am very blessed and very thankful for my life. VERY thankful.

But, seriously? Does EVERYTHING have to be in May? Okay, I totally understand the end of the school year stuff (our school year ends May 21st). Awards, promotion ceremonies, finals... but why do the field trips, performances, etc... all have to be scheduled for the last 2 weeks of school? Not to mention that National Teacher Appreciation Day was May 5th, so we as a PTO set Teacher Appreciation Week for that week. Yes, I said we, I did it too!!!! It made sense at the time...

I am financially, emotionally, mentally and physically fried.... I have notes coming home DAILY letting me know what I need to send for which event. My MomAgenda is completely full and that takes a LOT of scheduling! I feel I am under pressure to NOT send water to the 7th grade picnic (supposed to send sodas to that one) or sodas to the 8th grade picnic (send chips for that one)!!! What am I supposed to bring for Field Day, crap, I don't even remember and forget the 3rd grade picnic with the parent/child kickball competition that Jaxen can not even participate in!!!! I am up to my ears in reminder notes, and I am an ORGANIZED parent. It really seems as if each grade believes that your one child in their one class is the only child you are allowed to have. Which may be the case for some, but in our community is clearly NOT the case for most! I can only imagine what some of the other parents feel like, or maybe they just don't care, which would be so much easier! rotfl.....

Add to that the fact that Tennessee has had more rain already in May than we usually get in the entire month! I am going insane!!! Forget the old Calgon - Take me away commercials... I need a big ship to take me away on a 4 week cruise starting at the end of April every year.

Maybe next year I will do that and leave it all in the dear husbands hands to handle. That way when I come home and say, "what's for dinner" or "is my uniform clean for my game?" maybe he will understand "THE LOOK" I give him just a little better! LOL

Here's hoping and praying for a great May day today (in spite of the rain AGAIN)! All joking aside, I do love my life, my family and our choices we have made. We stay involved in our children's lives because it is important to us. I wouldn't have it any other way *unless they ask me for suggestions which isn't likely to happen! heehee

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